Super V.I.P
CE OS 5.2.23554 BUILD 23554.5.5.0 PV
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CE OS 5.2.23554 BUILD 23554.5.5.0 PV
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Lời cám ơn - Special thanks to:
Admin Kawaguchi (for his tools), Manager PhamQuang (so much), Super Mod Batkid (so much), Adv Mod NhatToai, Adv Mod TranMinhMan, S Vip Tom_codon (all of them are from PDAVIET)
Member huyentrangallery (from Samsung Vietnam, supported I8000 device for cooking)
Wes58 (Modaco)for his tool (new update version of kitchen, now I can use it)
JHML (Xda-Developers) for his application, JMLToday
contable (Modaco) for his skin/mod of JMLToday, his opinions and more supports about this, his donation and so on...
Lancez (Modaco) for his opinions which I need to know
tacchan23 (Modaco) for Taskbar Icons, theme and S2U2, Showcase Skin
Henrie, koperko and wkmmx500 from Modaco for their donations
Thông tin ROM - ROM Informations:
Basic ROM: ZHJC2
ROM Date: 04/06/2010
Language: only WWE
Pagepool: 16MB
Sử dụng chuẩn nén LZX để tăng Free Storage
LZX compress standard is used
Version: I8000.23554.JC2.SB17
Hỗ trợ hiển thị font tiếng Hoa
Support to display Chinese fonts
Hình minh hoạ - Illustrative images:

- Core 5.2.23554 Build 23554.5.5.0
- Tất cả các button ở màn hình chính JMLToday hoạt động tốt
All buttons at Today of JMLToday operate well
- JMLToday sẽ tự động cài đặt ở lần khởi động đầu tiên, các bạn chỉ việc chọn nơi bạn đang ở (Một số nơi là không có sẵn trong danh sách hiển thị, thêm Buôn Mê Thuộc vào danh sách).
JMLToday will be installed automatically in first boot, you only choose your location (some locations are not available, add Buon Me Thuoc into City List).
- .NET Compact Framework Version 3.5.9198.00
- Office Mobile 2010 (Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, PowerPoint Mobile, OneNote Mobile, SharePoint Mobile)
- PowerOptions v1.22
- e-Natives Technology Showcase v1.1.0 (Dusk Skin by tacchan23)
- Orientation Detection v1.0.3584.9343 for Omnia II
- MSN Money
- MSN Weather
- Marketplace
- FlashLight
- TCalendar
- JMLToday OMNIA II mod RC120 (thanks contable)
- S2U2 v2.34 (only SB17b)
- FingerKeyb v2.1 for WVGA (only SB17b)
- Tacchan23_WhiteBlack_6.5.x_VGA_v7 theme (thank again tacchan23)
- VnKeyb v2.2.0 by ntd (Skin from hanoiwap, included Set Keyboard in English - Thanks Super Mod Tmap)
- Check New ROM by Admin Kawaguchi (you can check new rom version with link directly from your device in Settings - Personal)
- Java_JblendPackage_2_1_2_1_20090429_2_1_R6 from Topaz II
- AdobePDF_2_5_1_0_404840_03
- CHome Editor v1.6beta (thanks Showaco)
- Soft Reset (Removed)
- Các ứng dụng cần có của PPC với các version mới nhất bao gồm:
Basic applications for PPC with its latest version as follow
CleanRAM (v2.1), ClearTemp (v1.3), Total Commander (v2.52 beta 2),PIM Backup (v2.8), Synchro Time (v0.95), Advanced Configuration Tools (v3.3)
- Loại bỏ nhiều ứng dụng không cần thiết mà tôi không thích
Removed more unnecessary utilities which I don't like! (see the list)
Asphalt4 (Game), Crayon Physics (Game), Dice (Game), Face Book, Podcast, QIK, RSS Reader, Cube, MainMenu, OnlineWidget, Samsung Today, Video Editor, Digital Frame, Smart Search, Unit Converter, Video Editor, Application Store, Communities (Share Pix), Connected Home, Midomi, Task Switcher, SPlugin Favorites, Google Maps, Smart Memo, Smart Reader, Smart Sync, Youtube, My Files, Adobe Reader, Opera Mobile, Java,...
Ai không thích icon nhỏ của Start Menu có thể làm như sau để xoá toàn bộ Registry dưới đây và Reset
Anybody don't like small icons of Start Menu can do as follows in order to delete all following Registry and Reset
Nên up rom với Octans Downloader version mới nhất. Mới nhất hiện nay là Octans Downloader v2.14
Please flash the ROM by latest Octans Downloader version. Its latest version is 2.14
Tải ROM - Download link:
Chọn 1 trong 2 link bên dưới (please select 1 of 2 below links)
Link download đã có sẵn - The link is available now
I8000 ROM ZHJC2 23554 (SB17a)
I8000 ROM ZHJC2 23554 (SB17b)
Password for uncompressing: Sonblack
I8000 ROM ZHJC2 23554 (SB17a)
I8000 ROM ZHJC2 23554 (SB17b)
Password for uncompressing: Sonblack
Enjoy it!
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