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Kết quả tìm kiếm

  1. Z

    ASUS P535 - ROM WM6.1 PDAVIET (Build 19974.1.2.8)

    Shout out loud Hi, first of all thanks for your efforts! I know a lot of people who are interested in your roms too but because of the thai language they don't come up on this site. It would be cool if you put some of your projects to a international platform, like xda developers. There...
  2. Z

    ASUS P535 - ROM WM6.1 PDAVIET (Build 20753.1.4.0)

    new camera driver cool, ok i managed it by copying the new file in windows directory. cam seems to work quicker now. thanks ps: perhaps i should try your rom, actually i am using WM 6.1 OS 5.2.19213 (Build 19213.1.0.4 DIVman). Are there a lot of improvments?
  3. Z

    ASUS P535 - ROM WM6.1 PDAVIET (Build 20753.1.4.0)

    Hi, how can i install new camera driver on my device without changing rom? thanks in advance