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Kết quả tìm kiếm

  1. O

    HTC HERMES - WM6.1 Touch V27 - Build 20924.1.5.0

    JoshKoss thanx for reply I haven't used it yet ,,, but I have a well known history with His previous roms... BTW, Joshkoss ur rom away faster..:D
  2. O

    HTC HERMES - WM6.1 Touch V27 - Build 20924.1.5.0

    Great rom Chef =D>. I'm waiting for the Full version .. Could you hide most of the rom staff to make the Windows Directory Exploration more faster,,,, plz
  3. O

    PDAVIET ROM WM6.1 - HIMALAYA (Core 19213)

    But it is doable,,, Just enlighten me ,, I read that the ncfw3.5 makes the device faster and my applications will open quickly... if that So, No problem will be from getting rid of Microsoft office cuz it is availabe as a separate cab ! Another thing, I was trying to cook a rom for me but I...
  4. O

    PDAVIET ROM WM6.1 - HIMALAYA (Core 19213)

    Thanks Sonblack for this rom... but Can u build for us another rom with Net Compact Framework 3.5 please.... By the way I did not Understand what is written by this language here but I succeeded to register