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Kết quả tìm kiếm

  1. A

    ASUS P535 - ROM WM6.5 PDAVIET (Build 23037.5.3.0)

    Hi Thanks. CPU run always on 2-3%. Never stopped. Free memory is 23-24mb (new install).
  2. A

    ASUS P535 - ROM WM6.5 PDAVIET (Build 23004.5.3.0)

    Cảm ơn cho giáo dục! :D :D
  3. A

    ASUS P535 - ROM WM6.5 PDAVIET (Build 23004.5.3.0)

    Xin lỗi sự khác biệt đã được viết xuống thật sự. :)) :D
  4. A

    ASUS P535 - ROM WM6.5 PDAVIET (Build 23004.5.3.0)

    Too many icons problem and leaking memory mistake on this rom. But fast.
  5. A

    ASUS P535 - ROM WM6.5 PDAVIET (Build 23004.5.3.0)

    Thanks, What is new in this room? Please give some info.
  6. A

    Asus P535 Manilla2D slump Edition, based on build 21014.1.6.0, version 0.8mv

    Not need ActiveSync killer. ActiveSync menu -> configure fake server and then schedule -> sync during manual
  7. A

    ASUS P535 - ROM WM6.1 PDAVIET (Build 21014.1.6.0)

    I intalled this rom. Why to try connecting this ip: with active sync? Trojan?
  8. A

    Asus P535 Manilla2D slump Edition, based on build 21014.1.6.0, version 0.8mv

    Thanks, very clean rom. 32-33MB free ram after soft reset without m2d =D>, 28-MB with m2d. New IE settings is useful. :)
  9. A

    Asus P535 Manilla2D slump Edition, based on build 20954.1.5.0, version 0.7m

    This is pretty good rom. It's not lagging for me. Nothing memory leak and stable. I'm stay with this. But. I'd like Manilla on/off soft switch. Thanks.
  10. A

    Asus P535 Manilla2D slump Edition, based on build 20954.1.5.0, version 0.7m

    I'm testing. After restart, free memory is 26-27Mb. This is good (with manillla2d).