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Kết quả tìm kiếm

  1. elmartin7

    How to translate omnia rom to another language?

    nguyentuan thanks for your help, there are some manual to handle this program? know of the existence of any other or would like to manually change the language word for word?, excuse my English
  2. elmartin7

    How to translate omnia rom to another language?

    First of all sorry for my bad english (i'm spanish). I'm writing this post because i need to know wich are the apps that you use to translate the omnia roms, i want to translate them to spanish :D. Thanks for your help!
  3. elmartin7

    i900DXIA1_DZIA1 - English 2009

    PhamQuang Thanks for creating the rom DXIA1/PV12M, from exabyte.es forum(SPAIN), we are very grateful =D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D>=D> greetings