• Hiện tại trang web đang trong quá hình chuyển đổi và tái cấu trúc lại chuyên mục nên có thể một vài chức năng chưa hoàn thiện, một số bài viết và chuyên mục sẽ thay đổi. Nếu sự thay đổi này làm bạn phiền lòng, mong bạn thông cảm. Chúng tôi luôn hoan nghênh mọi ý kiến đóng góp để chúng tôi hoàn thiện và phát triển. Cảm ơn

Kết quả tìm kiếm

  1. N

    Windows Mobile 6.5 21159 Testing 02/12/09

    Glad to hear from you (sure many here are too!) You are building Kaiser's ROM now, is that mean Hermes will be "lame"?
  2. N

    Windows Mobile 6.5 21159 Testing 02/12/09

    joshkoss! what's happening to this project??? Hello joshkoss, I have noticed that the last time you updated this ROM was on Mar 10, it's almost a month passed but did not see anything new on this one. Is it in the back burner now or are you just busy? Wish to hear from you! Cheers,
  3. N

    V15 Manilla2D 21109/21109 by Josh

    It deserves a better place =D>I think we should give this one some attentions, it should deserves a better place;;) Would one of the mod gives it a "Sticky" status so other members would not missed it? Cheers, PS. It's just my 2 cents...;)
  4. N

    Joshua's DarkWinter 20954/20954 build Light/Full

    Then why don't you make your ROM looks "normal" for daily use? that way more people would adopted easier... This is NOT a request but just a suggestion. Cheers,
  5. N

    Joshua's DarkWinter 20954/20954 build Light/Full

    DarkWinter looks so depress, I live in Canada and I have enough of winter here, I would try your ROM but it looks so sad for me!:( Can you made your ROM with something call "Spring bright" rather then "Winter dark"? Thank you for your contribution anyway!;;) Cheers.
  6. N

    HERMES WM6.1 ROM V18 (Manila2D) - Build 20755.1.4.0

    Don't you get the mesage :)) If Mr. Pham Quang does not understand you then it has to be within 3 reasons: 1. Your Vietnamese is terrible. 2. Your English is not much better 3. Your request sound like a demand. It's not an issue that his ROM is Secret or NOT, but he is the author and he has...
  7. N

    HTC HERMES - WM6.1 Touch V25 - Build 20755.1.4.0

    I will say this again: End of the discussion! X-(
  8. N

    HTC HERMES - WM6.1 Touch V25 - Build 20755.1.4.0

    Eat your own cake... Sure! make your own cake and eat much as you want but do not be a free loader...:D
  9. N

    HTC HERMES - WM6.1 Touch V25 - Build 20755.1.4.0

    What is your priority? What is your priority? Do you want a fully function ROM or just just want it looks beautiful?:-/ Please let the author do his works and we're helping by testing it and pointing out what bugs need to be fixed first before making it looks pretty... Will you!!!?:|
  10. N

    HTC HERMES - WM6.1 Touch V25 - Build 20755.1.4.0

    Cám ơn bạn nhiều! It's hard to type in Vietnamese here! please forgive me if I have to use English for my posting in this forum. Dvha79_ddt! when do you think this ROM version will be released so we can try it out? Thanks again for your contribution to the forum.