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Kết quả tìm kiếm

  1. T

    ROM v3.00.07.15 >>> v3.00.07.16 PDAVIET CHO HTC TRINITY

    You obviously did not read all my posts Back on topic: i found another possible bug, when in landscape mode the keyboard does not fill the screen at the bottom
  2. T

    ROM v3.00.07.15 >>> v3.00.07.16 PDAVIET CHO HTC TRINITY

    To unrar 2 files simply unrar the first one. ------------------------------------------------ I would like to put in some requests for the next version: 1. Please Remove "Customer Feedback" 2. Please add WM5torage 3. ATI Fix 4. Please add the following registry tweaks(most of...
  3. T

    ROM v3.00.07.15 >>> v3.00.07.16 PDAVIET CHO HTC TRINITY

    i have some more info I would like to report 3 bugs in this version: Bug 1) not critical but very annoying -Batterystatus dies when customising htchome (in some cases batterystatus can be restored by disabling CPu speed) Bug 2) Cricital as this requires a hard-reset to fix...
  4. T

    ROM v3.00.07.15 >>> v3.00.07.16 PDAVIET CHO HTC TRINITY

    Phone crash Phone crash Hello, sorry i do not speak vietnamese, i flashed this version to my trinity yesterday, but now it is stuck on the pdaviet screen and does not move beyond it :( any id