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[4.1.2] glaxy s2 Biftor™JB Romv4.6


New Member
mấy hôm nay đang dùng rom của Biftor™,Biftor vừa ra bản v4.6 pin ổn định hơn các bản trước.
cách cài:
cài bản v4.0 trước
back up dữ liệu.
vào Recovery mode
wipe cache
vào Advance: wipe dalvik cache và battery status
vào install zip from sd card chọn vị trí lưu Biftor™ Rom V4.6 stable JB XXlSJ
chờ một lúc
khởi động lại máy và trải nghiêm.
bản v4.6 có
add Notification panel settings for edit status bar in settings>>displayNotification panel,fixed & work corectly
fixed multiwindows edit work corectly.
change full transpernt theme for Biftor™ rom v4.6 You can download from Here & flash that from cwm
removed transperent phone &full screen dialer photoYou can download transperent phone &full screen dialer photo from optional section.
removed navigation bar,if you want Navigationbar flash this from cwm.
remove Next luncher in rom but you can install latest version of next luncher from this,this luncher is the best luncher try it!
remove back to kill
add more ink color, ,yellow, black, red, darkred,...thanx Goldiking
add transpernt status bar with blue icons,clock...
add hold menu to kill work corectly.
add tochwiz luncher 5*5 .thanx sagitt.67
add teranspernt AccuweatherWidget.thanx tamerlan2009
add torch on lockscreen.
add quick song skip .
add song skip .
add sync toggele in statusbar.You can download it from optional section.
add 23 toggele on status bar,full by ic_xda,You can download it from optional sectionthanx ic_xda
add black status bar,You can download it from optional section
update Supers user to latest
update su&busybox
no lag with scrolling
no lockscreen lag
no home button lag
no incremental ringtone
no delay after ending call
no black after ending call
too stable
too fast
too smooth
better battery life than V4.0 you are testing is the best!!

toch is so better than V4.0

build.prob tweaks

and much more things that i cant remember now
link tải v4.6
link v4.0
một số hình ảnh(bản v4.6 đã loại bỏ 3 phím ảo)
