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[App Store] Close Call - Đề phòng trường hợp khẩn cấp


New Member
Close Call là 1 tiện ích hữu dụng cho người dùng iphone (đặc biệt ai đặt passcode cho phone). Close Call sẽ đặt lên Lock Screen 1 banner với ghi chú tên và số phone của người cần liên lạc nếu bạn gặp tai nạn, hay bệnh tật bất ngờ. Nếu bạn hay phóng xe bạt mạng, hay mang những bệnh dễ xỉu, hoặc vì lý do an toàn, đề phòng bất trắc thì đây là 1 tiện ích bạn nên có. Quan trọng Close Call là 1 tiện ích FREE.

Ra mắt trên itunes Sep 08, và đã cập nhật lên phiên bản 1.1.1 vào Oct 30.

Close Call
Ever wanted a simple way to insure that someone who finds your iPhone in an emergency can find someone to contact, or be notified if you have health information they should know?

Close Call is a simple application that allows you to put in your phone number, a short emergency message, and then overlay it on top of an image from a photo you create or have on your iPhone.

This application was requested by users of My Emergency Information, which is a full-featured application to store details of your emergency health that can be shared and then managed online.

Problems that we intended to solve with Close Call
- How can my emergency contact be accessed when my phone is locked?
- Is there a way to put this on every phone?
- And, finally, can it be free?

We recommend putting in a emergency contact number for someone close to you, that will answer the phone.

There is a bug in the Move & Scale, when an image is selected from the library and it is in Landscape mode. Move and Scale works fine from camera photos. We are working to fix this, and it will be released as 1.1.1 soon.

To select your new wallpaper after created:
After you "Save Wallpaper", you then can go to the Photos application and find your new wallpaper in Camera Roll. Click on the bottom-left icon and you'll be prompted to save your wallpaper. That's it!

What's new
This point release fixed a bug with image scaling of imported images.

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