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Big Range Hunting 2 S60v5 N5800XM


New Member
Big Range Hunting 2
S60v5 N5800XM
by Gameloft



Travel the world to hunt and fish in realistic wild environments. From Alaska to Louisiana, track your prey in their natural habitats and adapt your hunting method to the species in your crosshairs. Shoot ducks and crows, survive a terrifying alligator assault and lure in lions or other exotic animals. Or you can choose to sail off to new water environments to catch various fish species. Play in 3 different modes including Story mode, Free Hunt mode and Mini-games to become a formidable hunter.

- The only mobile game offering both hunting and fishing!
- A whole arsenal of weapons and objects to purchase, collect and use.
- Animals with ultra-realistic behaviors and animations.
- A wide variety of mini-games in-line with the hunting and wilderness theme.
- Various very realistic environments to explore, from Alaska to the Maine valley or the Louisiana marshland
- Choose between the "challenge" mode and the "free hunt" mode depending on how much time you have.
ko hiểu sao PM của TM nouvu khi ấn vào Tâp tin đính kèm để tải rất hay hiện lên xem hồ sơ :-/ nhờ bạn xem lại dùm nha:D
ko hiểu sao PM của TM nouvu khi ấn vào Tâp tin đính kèm để tải rất hay hiện lên xem hồ sơ :-/ nhờ bạn xem lại dùm nha:D

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