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[HOT]Download Win8 Metro Testbed - powered by Splashtop


Win8 Metro:Một ứng dụng độc đáo giúp người dùng có thể trải nghiệm cảm giác metro của win 8 trên ipad


Category: Utilities
Released: Apr 12, 2012
Size: 5.4 MB
Languages: English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish
Seller: Splashtop Inc.
© 2010-2012 Splashtop Inc.

Requirements: Compatible with iPad.Requires iOS 3.2 or later


Splashtop, Apple’s "Top 25 best-selling iPad app of ALL-TIME”, is now optimized for Windows 8 PC!
No need to spend over $1,000 to buy a Win 7 tablet in order to try out the Win 8 Metro touch experience.
Please Note: A PC installed with Windows 8 Consumer Preview is required.

Are you still controlling the Metro UI with a mouse and keyboard? Stop! You deserve a better user experience. Splashtop is the ONLY app that allows you to experience the TRUE Windows 8 Metro UI on your iPad.

Now with Splashtop, you can enjoy native Win 8 Metro touch gestures:
- Swipe from the right for the Charms menu
- Swipe from the left to switch apps
- Pull down from the top to close the app
- Swipe slowly from the left to run two apps side-by-side
- Pinch to do Semantic Zoom
- And many more gestures for you to explore!

If you are a new tech enthusiast, this app is the easiest way to try out the latest Windows platform. You can even make your own YouTube video to share your Win 8 Metro experience with the world.

If you are curious about how Win 8 Metro works, don’t just read the blogs. Try it! Be the first among your friends to showcase the Win 8 Metro UI.

If you are an app developer, this is a must-have app.

Over 6 million users are enjoying Splashtop apps today, and you should too!

See what media are saying about Splashtop:
★★★★★ "Both a breakthrough and a bargain." -- The New York Times
★★★★★ "Splashtop -- Meet the most popular app on iTunes." -- USA Today
★★★★★ "Splashtop Remote Desktop App Flirts with Greatness" -- Mac News World
★★★★★ "Splashtop Remote WINS hands down!" -- Apps for iPads
★★★★★ "Splashtop Remote is... extremely easy to setup" -- Pixelatedgeek.com
★★★★★ Best of CES 2011 Award -- Laptop Magazine

CNET: "I also gained a new perspective on Windows 8 as a touch-screen OS. The same Metro UI features and gestures that don't work well or at all on a conventional PC suddenly spring to life on a tablet. Windows 8 developers and other users who want to try out Microsoft's new OS on their iPads should give this app a spin."

Note: a computer with dual-core CPU is strongly recommended for best performance.

Visit www.splashtop.com/win8 for more detail.

