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LinkBoy 1.52 UIQ3 Full with Autostart Function


New Member
LinkBoy 1.52 UIQ3 Full with Autostart Function
[by G318]


Autostart Function: When turn on your phone, Linkboy automatic starting...

Need Autostart function?
Just Check AUTOSTART ENABLE when install LinkBoy!

Need some other apps enable autostart?
Plz, Write here...
Great work & Rep+! How do you think about "make full for Primetech" b-) ?
PS: I need Tweakpeak 1.30 full with Autostart Function, thanks
Great work gabika!

Auto function is usefull for some applications.

It would be nice if you have a tutorial to teach us how to add this function to any application. Thanks.
Chỉnh sửa cuối:
Dear Gabika
If possible, pls get us the X-plore version 1.3 (get the full version); cos you know the v1.22 was expired from Jan 01 and v1.3 trial is very shit with 3 seconds count down.
Thanks alot.