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MobileStudio - App Office đa năng dành cho iPhone!!!


New Member

Category: Productivity
Price: $1.99
Size: 9.3 MB
Latest version: 1.4.0





Các bạn tham khảo ở đây:

Application description MobileStudio is a full-featured file manager that lets you create, view, and edit files on the go! Then you can share those files wirelessly with your full-size computer.

iPhones or iPod Touches running MobileStudio can also transfer files with one another using Bluetooth! (New!)

You can transfer files from your computer, carry them around with you, and access them from any computer with a web browser!

MobileStudio is just that: a portable, hand-held studio. It can be used to create, modify, and organize files just like you would on a laptop or desktop using Apple's Finder™ or Microsoft's Explorer™.

MobileStudio features:

* Intuitive filesystem browser and editor
* File transfers to and from a Mac or PC
* Bluetooth file transfers between devices
* Compatible with Mac OS X™ 10.4 & 10.5
* Compatible with Windows XP™ & Vista™
* Compatible with all flavors of Linux™
* Standard file operations
* Text file creation and editing
* Image file creation and editing (New!)
* Sound file creation and editing (New!)
* Movie file playback
* PDF & Web viewer
* Zip archive compression
* Office™ and iWork™ document viewer
* Emailing of text (.txt) files

Bluetooth File Transfers:
* Between two iPhones or iPod Touches
* Both devices must have MobileStudio
* Compatible with two-way Bluetooth devices
- iPhone 3G
- iPhone 3GS
- iPod Touch 2nd Generation or Higher
* Not Compatible with one-way Bluetooth
- iPhone 2G
- iPod Touch 1st Generation

Editable File Formats:

* Text Documents (Email them too!)
- UTF8 Text (.txt)
- Any other plain-text file (eg. .html)
* Images (Save in .jpeg or .png formats)
- Joint Photographic Group (.jpg)
- Portable Network Graphic (.png)
- Tagged Image File Format (.tiff)
- Bitmap (.bmp)
- Icon (.ico)
* Sound
- Wave (.wav),
- Audio Interchange Format (.aif)
* Archives
- Zip Files (.zip)

Viewable File Formats:

* Text Documents
- Word 97 (.doc)
- Word 2003 (.xml)
- Word 2007 (.docx)
- Pages (.pages.zip)
- UTF8 Text (.txt)
* Spreadsheets
- Excel 97 (.xls)
- Excel 2007 (.docx)
- Numbers (.numbers.zip)
* Presentations
- PowerPoint 97 (.ppt)
- Keynote (.key.zip)
* Internet
- Portable Document Files (.pdf)
- HTML Files (.html)
- Safari Web Archives (.webarchive)
* Images
- Joint Photographic Group (.jpg)
- Portable Network Graphic (.png)
- Tagged Image File Format (.tiff)
- Bitmap (.bmp)
- Icon (.ico)
* Sound
- Mpeg-1 Audio Layer 3 (.mp3)
- Mpeg-4 Part 14 (.m4a)
- Wave (.wav)
- Audio Interchange Format (.aif)
* Video
- Mpeg-4 Part 14
- (.mov, .mp4, .mpv, .m4v)
* Archives
- Zip Files (.zip)

File Operations:
* Create
- Folder
- Text File (.txt)
- Image File (.jpg, .png)
- * From Camera
- * From Photo Library
- * From Saved Photos
- * Blank
- Sound File (.wav)
- * CD Quality
- * FM Radio Quality
- * Telephone Quality
* Move
* Copy
* Delete (includes Trash feature)
* Zip (creates .zip archive)

Security Features:

* Application Launch Password
Protects the application from being used on the device without a password

* File-Level Read/Write Protection
Protects individual files from being read or overwritten via WiFi FTP. Also prevents accidental modification of important files.

Viewing Flexibility:

* Offers full-screen viewing of all file types in landscape and portrait mode.

Pixio Quality and Functionality:

* MobileStudio is the most versatile file manager available for iPhone OS. Get more done on the go.
New in this version * Bluetooth file transfers between devices
* iPhone 3.0 compatibility Languages English, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Spanish Requirements Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch
Requires iPhone OS 3.0 or later Version 1.4.0

Các bạn yêu thích App này tải về dưới đây. Chúc các bạn vui vẻ!!!

vấn đề muôn thủa đó là làm copy file vào đâu để đọc sao bác k giới thiệu cho anh em dễ dùng. Thanks!
Đường dẫn chép data để đọc của 1 số Apps như thế này thông thường là :

private/var/mobile/Application/1 dãy số ngẫu nhiên của từng máy/Tên Apps/Documents
bác ơi cho em hỏi cái này là đuôi ipa sao ko add vao itune dc nhỉ.itune cua em la nó bảo becase it is not avail application.em đọc qua phần trên rùi nhưng ko hiểu chỗ pass ji đó, ai biết thì chỉ dùm nha! cám ơn.
hix, mình cài app quá chừng, xong rùi đi vào từng dãy số ngẫu nhiên kiếm tên app mà không thấy, có cách nào biết app nằm ở đâu không bạn?
hix, mình cài app quá chừng, xong rùi đi vào từng dãy số ngẫu nhiên kiếm tên app mà không thấy, có cách nào biết app nằm ở đâu không bạn?
Phải đi rà hết các dãy số thì mới biết được bạn ah :D Rà từ từ từng cái từ trên xuống là ra mà :D Nó chỉ nằm trong đó thôi chứ ko chạy đi đâu được hết :D