Máy bị mất boot do lỗi up rom, nạp lại boot rồi flash 1 phát ok !
[2/21/2012 1:28:14 PM] [START OPERATION_ID = RESURRECT]
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Open serial port...OK
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Connecting to the RIFF Box...OK
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Firmware Version: 1.30, JTAG Manager Version: 1.38
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Selected Resurrector: [Samsung I897]
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM]
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Connecting to the dead body...OK
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Detected dead body ID: 0x1BA00477 - CORRECT!
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Set I/O Voltage reads as 2.80V, TCK Frequency is 12 MHz
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM]
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Resurrection sequence started.
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Establish communication with the phone...OK
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Initializing internal hardware configuration...OK
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Uploading resurrector data into memory...OK
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Starting communication with resurrector...OK
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM]
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Detected an Initialized FLASH1 Chip, ID: 0x00EC/0x0050 (512MB)
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Flashing the dead body...OK
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] Resurrection complete!
[2/21/2012 1:28:32 PM] [FINISH OPERATION_ID = RESURRECT]
[2/21/2012 1:33:26 PM] ------------------------------- JTAG Manager Session Closed -------------------------------