Change-Log RP+ v2.4 > v2.5:
+ Fixed: showed a "RP+ Recovery Fault" message at first boot, if RP+ was been integrated in the CF.
+ Improved: Cookers can found all the needed files and folders inside the "For Cookers" folder... You only need to add a modded Starter*.rsc file
How to install RP+
There exists 2 different ways to install RomPatcher on your device:
1) If your phone has been already hacked to allow installation of unsigned .sis then just install RomPatcherPlus_2.5.sis
2) If your phone has not been hacked yet, you can create and flash a cooked fw following the steps below:
- Download all the original fw files using NaviFirm+
- Open the UDA fw file using NokiaCooker
- Insert the patcher.ldd and patcherShadow.ldd files in c:\sys\bin\ folder and press the Save button.
- Use Phoenix or JAF to flash the modded fw on your phone.
- Eventually, use your DevCert or OpenSigned Online to sign and install the RomPatcherPlus_2.5_LiteVersion.sis
+ Fixed: showed a "RP+ Recovery Fault" message at first boot, if RP+ was been integrated in the CF.
+ Improved: Cookers can found all the needed files and folders inside the "For Cookers" folder... You only need to add a modded Starter*.rsc file
How to install RP+
There exists 2 different ways to install RomPatcher on your device:
1) If your phone has been already hacked to allow installation of unsigned .sis then just install RomPatcherPlus_2.5.sis
2) If your phone has not been hacked yet, you can create and flash a cooked fw following the steps below:
- Download all the original fw files using NaviFirm+
- Open the UDA fw file using NokiaCooker
- Insert the patcher.ldd and patcherShadow.ldd files in c:\sys\bin\ folder and press the Save button.
- Use Phoenix or JAF to flash the modded fw on your phone.
- Eventually, use your DevCert or OpenSigned Online to sign and install the RomPatcherPlus_2.5_LiteVersion.sis