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Sexy Girl Puzzle - Khám phá bí ẩn hậu cung Girl


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CG Sexy Girl Puzzle - Trả lời câu đố - Khám phá bí ẩn hậu cung Hot girl...???

Sexy CG Girl Puzzle
Gidae Yeo
Category: Lifestyle
Price: $1.99
Released: Sep 16, 2009
Size: 8.7 MB
Seller: Gidae Yeo
Added to Appulo.us: Sep 27, 2009
Latest version: 1.0.0




With Sexy CG Girl Puzzle, you can carry a virtual harem of beautiful women with you wherever you go! Each of the three stages consists of a portfolio of ten puzzles depicting original works of art by some of the most talented computer graphic artists today. Each work of art displays the female form in all its glory--sensuous, provocative, playful...and absolutely delicious!
As you complete each puzzle, you can save your creation in your photo album...and display your favorites as wallpaper!
The current collection includes works by:
* Lokman Lam
* Steven Stahlberg
* Tang Yuehui
* K. Jun
* Joerg Warda
* Andrius Balciunas
* Shiyong Wang
* Jimmy Chow

Mời các bạn cùng khám phá!

Nếu thấy hay thì nhấn THANKS các bạn nhé ! :D