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SNN Edition version 3.0 Windows Mobile 6.1 build 19209


New Member
Trong khi chờ đợi bản rom 6.1 build 19209 của Hongkong các bro có thể test thử bản rom này của newbie1221 bên xda-developers
LITE version:

Well this is the fourth release of SNN. This time around I will be creating two versions of this rom, LITE and FULL.

The first of the two will be the LITE version, it's basically a stripped down version of the stuff I normally include in my releases. The Lite version is more or less something similar to an offical release with only necessary apps included. It is by far the BEST for speed and stability out of my releases up to date.

The second release will be the FULL version, which will basically be everything that I have included in my previous releases. I will upgrade apps to the most recent release where applicable. I have not created this rom yet but will try my best to get it released ASAP.

So as always, I would recommend giving my ROM a try and feedback is always appreciated.

Base ROM:

CE OS 5.2.19209 (Build 19209.1.0.2) THANKS VILLABOY25 couldn't of done it without your port.

Fixes from 2.1:

Windows media player: Complete song now plays
Speed and stability has improved.

LITE version:

Program Memory: about 29 MB first boot
Storage Memory: Total: 47.46 MB In USE: 2.89 MB Free Memory: 44.57 MB

* Activesync
* Arcsoft MMS 4
* BubbleBreaker
* HTC Calculator
* HTC Task Manager
* HTC Touch 8 button Comm Manager
* HTC Camera
* HTC Touchflo without cube
* HTC Dialpad
* HTC SIM Manager
* Oxidos Close Apps
* Oxidos Hibernate
* Pocket Screen
* Pocket RAR
* Mobile Bluetooth
* Solitare
* WM5torage
* Windows Media Player
* Windows Mobile Office 2007


* Security OFF
* Wireless G enabled


Chỉnh sửa cuối:
SNN Edition FULL version 3.0


Alright all, this is the FULL version of SNN. It has all the usual apps that were included in my previous releases. I also upgraded some of the apps that are used within this ROM. Again, because of the base rom, this release is better than 2.0 in terms of speed and stability. Feedback is always requested and thanks for lookin' into this release. -Newbie1221


* Removed WMP: I experienced intermitent problems with song playback( sometimes plays full song, other times it won't) so i just took it out Still haven't found the culprit of this issue but still working on it.
* Remedy: You can use TCMP or Coreplayer as your video/music player, most of you already do anyways. These cabs are in post #3. Audio Manager is included to play all your music files.


Program Memory: Around 27 MB first boot. Normal use 22-25 MB depending.
Storage Memory: Total 47.46 MB In USE 4.12 MB Free 43.34 MB.

Want more free program memory? Use WST in post #3 and change your pagepool.

* Advance Config
* Glossy Black Bars
* Internet Sharing
* Mobile Bluetooth
* PBar 1.5 updated
* PIM backup 2.8 updated
* Pocket RAR
* SIM Manager
* WM5torage
* HButton
* S2U2 new background
* Clear Temp
* Oxios CloseApps
* Oxios Hibernate
* Pocketscreen
* Quick Clear
* ActiveSync
* Audio Manager
* 1 Calculator
* Camera Album
* HTC Camera
* PS Shut XP
* System Manager
* Task Manager
* SoftKey Changer
* Some WM6.1 themes
* HTC Keyboard touch version
* HTC Dialpad touch version
* HTC Large Menu disabled by default
* Network Wizard
* SMS Service


[HIDE="http://pdaviet.com/showthread.php?do=post_thanks_add&p=290267"]http://rapidshare.com/files/106026009/SNN_3.0_FULL_version.rar [/HIDE]