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U Mobile——Dragon Bird v.1.00 UIQ3.0


Super V.I.P
U Mobile——Dragon Bird v.1.00 UIQ3.0

Thế loại game máy bay chiến đấu,rất hay

Developer: U Mobile Game
Language: English
Management: Stilus
Description: DragonBird - an excellent shooter with a view from above, with outstanding 2D/3D graphics and high-quality music. This game is very similar to Sky Force, but what she concedes, but what it surpasses.

Features Dragon Bird:
-- Four types of aircraft technology, each of which has its own unique opportunities
-- 8 large locations
-- A variety of enemies
-- The more you destroy the enemy, the more you will have money to modernize its air-ship
P.S. This application is a demo version

Download Here
U Mobile——Dragon Bird v.1.00 UIQ3.0

Thế loại game máy bay chiến đấu,rất hay

Developer: U Mobile Game
Language: English
Management: Stilus
Description: DragonBird - an excellent shooter with a view from above, with outstanding 2D/3D graphics and high-quality music. This game is very similar to Sky Force, but what she concedes, but what it surpasses.

Features Dragon Bird:
-- Four types of aircraft technology, each of which has its own unique opportunities
-- 8 large locations
-- A variety of enemies
-- The more you destroy the enemy, the more you will have money to modernize its air-ship
P.S. This application is a demo version

Download Here

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