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[Update] redsn0w 0.9.11b1 - downgrade iPhone 4S/iPad 2/iPad 3 bằng SHSH


New Member
For A5-users (iPhone 4S, iPad 3 and iPad 2) who lost their jailbreak after upgrading their devices to 5.1 or 5.1.1, today is a great day for jailbreakers.

Today, MuscleNerd of iPhone dev-team has pronounced the release of Redsn0w 0.9.11b1 which will allow A5-devices’ users to downgrade iPhone 4S, iPad 3 or iPad 2 to enjoy the untethered jailbreak once again. Since most of you know that non-A5 users (iPhone 4, 3GS, iPad 1, iPod touch 4G and 3G) can at all times downgrade with SHSH blobs to previous firmware versions due to geohot’s limera1n exploit.

Some significant notes that you have to know:

Redsn0w new features:
Those with newer devices (iPad2, iPad3, and iPhone4S), Starting with redsn0w version 0.9.11b1, can join the downgrade fun too! it now directly supports restoring IPSWs to your device. The first use of this new feature implements a hack that allows A5 downgrades without a bootrom-level exploit.

Where to find the new downgrade and restore features:

The new feature is at Extras->Even More->Restore



Requirement to downgrade your iPhone 4S, iPad 3 or iPad 2:

Downgrade is impossible without the personalized SHSH blobs for your device at that lower firmware. You need to have fetched those blobs while the signing window was open, using either Cydia’s built-in TSS@Home feature, or with TinyUmbrella. The new Restore screen of redsn0w lets you choose either the remote blobs or local ones (for the earlier firmware). If you don’t know where TinyUmbrella put your blobs, TinyUmbrella has a button that will show you (copy them out of that folder and feed them to redsn0w).

Can I use the new Redsn0w if I’m relying on unofficial unlock or SAM:

The downgrade method for A5 actually updates to the latest firmware before downgrading to the earlier one. This process updates your baseband to whatever is newest. DO NOT USE THIS METHOD IF YOU RELY ON UNOFFICIAL UNLOCKS of your iPhone4S. Those who used the temporary SAM technique to unlock their iPhones to specific SIMs shouldn’t be affected by this baseband update.

The new feature may be stopped by Apple:

Apple: This method can be fixed by Apple with a firmware update. It’s a (pleasant) mystery why they haven’t fixed it yet, because reverse-engineering of the restore ramdisk indicates they do know about it. It’s possibly too niche to bother to fix right now.

Important notes regarding Redsn0w 0.9.11 b1:

Redsn0w code: This update involves a bunch of new redsn0w code. Version 0.9.10b8b: We recommend sticking to the previous version 0.9.10b8b unless you’re specifically using this new feature, until all the bugs are worked out! (Note: If redsn0w gets stuck at the “Waiting for device” stage for more than 30 seconds, you’ve hit a pesky GUI bug…that will be fixed in an upcoming version!)

Download Redsnow 0.9.111 b1 to downgrade iPhone 4S, iPad 2 and iPad 3:

Download redsn0w 0.9.11b1 for OS X

Download redsn0w 0.9.11b1 for Windows (be sure to run in Administrator mode)
Chỉnh sửa cuối:
các model iPad2,3 và iPad3,2chưa đc test downgrade fw của máy bạn về nhưng sẽ nâng baseband
Chỉnh sửa cuối:
b thử test chưa?

vừa mới update là mình post lên luôn
ở trên có viết là nếu chỉ jb thì dùng bản 0.9.10b8b
còn muốn downgrade thì hãng thử bản này vì nó mới ra nên còn lỗi
chỉ down máy world thôi nhá
hàng lock mà bị lên baseband xong ngồi đắp chăn đấy :))
Nói vậy là cái iPad 2 đã lỡ lên 5.1 có thể về lại 5.0.1 và JB lại hả các bạn.