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WorldMate Gold – The Must-Have App for Road Warriors


Super V.I.P
WorldMate Gold – The Must-Have App for Road Warriors

Category: Travel
Aug 29, 2011
Version: 2.0.3
7.2 MB
Seller: WorldMate, Inc.

© 2009 MobiMate Ltd.


REQUIREMENTS: Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 3.0 or later




The most comprehensive travel app for your iPhone. Builds your itinerary automatically. Tracks your flights and pushes alerts if they’re delayed or changed. Shows you maps to your hotel and meetings.

• Itinerary Manager- flights, hotels, cars, meetings
• LinkedIn Travel Connections
• Pushed Flight Alerts
• Real-Time Flight Status
• Flight Schedules Search
• Smart Hotel Search and Hotel Booking
• Maps & Directions to itinerary items
• In-app Itinerary editing
• Local search powered by Yelp
• Limo reservations
• Tip Calculator with Global Tipping Guide
• Currency Converter with Exchange Rate updates
• 5-day Weather Forecasts Globally
• World Clocks
• Itinerary Sharing
• Online Trip Planner
• Priority Customer Support
• Ad Free Experience

What reviewers say:

TechCrunch: “WorldMate + Push = Must Have iPhone App for Road Warriors”
PC World: “WorldMate Gold is an excellent all-around travel companion”

CNet : “WorldMate's strength is that it puts all of those things in one package.”

ReadWriteWeb: “WorldMate Gold: The Ultimate iPhone App for Frequent Fliers”

Over 5 million business travelers worldwide use WorldMate to manage trips, track flights, convert currencies, view weather and more. If you are serious about taking control of your business travel don’t settle for less.

Build your itinerary by simply forwarding confirmation emails from your airline / hotel / travel agent to trips@worldmate.com . You can also access www.worldmate.com form your computer to get more powerful travel planning tools.

Integrates flight data from FlightStatsTM AND OAG The Official Airline Guide. Provides hotel availability info and best pricing from Hotels.com / Expedia. Integrates with Google Maps to find your meetings, hotels and airports. Provides weather forecasts from Custom Weather and currency information from FXTop.

Follow @WorldMate on Twitter and become a fan on Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/WorldMate

Terms of Service
Purchasing the WorldMate Gold iPhone app entitles you to one year Gold membership status on the WorldMate Service. See www.worldmate.com for more info.
What's new in Version 2.0.3
WorldMate Gold 2.0

New design:
You'll love the beautiful new design of WorldMate 2.0. We've made everything nicer and easier to find.

An even more complete itinerary:
We have added support for even more details about your reservations,

Latest iOS updates:
WorldMate for iPhone now supports multi-tasking, fast app switching, Retina display and more.

Thanks for downloading and using WorldMate, if you have a few spare moments we would really appreciate a review and star-rating in the App Store.
