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HTC EzInput Keyboard Suite 1.5 Language Packs Here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=426281
HTC Claculator Language Packs Here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=485349
HTC Comm Manager v2.7.5.0
Solitiare Graphics updated
Mobile Office 2007
Mobile Word
Mobile Excel
Mobile Power Point
WinRar 3.80
WM Storage 1.9 by Igor v Bozhko
PHM Reg Edit 7.0 by Philippe Majerus
Quick Menu 2.8 (Toggle WiFi)
Fexploreext 2.05
PimBack-up by FdcSoft
Synchro Time 0.95 by Dennis Grachov
Netframework 3.5
Task Manager 3.1 by FdcSoft
MoDaCo NoData 2.0
Password Safe 1.0 by Thomas Gerber
UPX4ppc (compress your installed exe files and save space on your device)
HTC Boot Launcher (Now HTC EzInput Keyboard default SIP even after reset)
SyncManager 0.3 (Take control of your ActiveSync) (set to allow USB charging without syncing and wifi while on USB)
(easy to change the settings to what you want just edit the settings.txt file in program files\w@p\SyncManager )
CHome Editor v1.6 by showaco
ATContacts v0.98 by greatbal
Make sure you read this first or your Titanium Neo Shadow wont look like the screenshots
1/Goto settings\Today\Appearance Select PureBlack2 theme and press ok
2/Goto Start\Utilities folder and run ChomeEditor (remove the plugins not wanted)Enable At contacts plug in save then exit
Thanks again to Lamson for the SYS and XIP
Thanks to greatbal For his Titanium Shadow Neo Skin
Thanks to blazingwolf For help packaging Neo
For those who use Titanium Weather this version is made to go with Neo
My recommendations for this ROM here
Around 21mb free Ram with Titanium G4
Around 41mb free Space + 10mb Extended ROM G4
Download Here: 793 Downloads
Always HardReset After A Successful ROM Flash To Remove Any Previously Installed Software or Settings That Could Interfere With your New ROM Installation
Quick Tip
This reg setting allows other plugins to work with titanium so now you can have battery status running with it's great opmap overclocking feature : i have my device @ 286mhz with 299mhz boost and it works fine on my G4 soooooooooooooFaaaaaaaast
This is mealy a tip and if you damage your device trying this then it's your fault not mine
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\"Windows Default"]
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