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[14-03-2010] PDAVIET - I8000 WM6.5 ROM (25008.5.3.0) - SB10

Không mở trả lời sau này.


Super V.I.P

CE OS 5.2.25008 Build 25008.5.3.0 PV
=== === ===

Lời cám ơn - Many thanks:
Admin Kawaguchi (so much for his tools)
Manager PhamQuang (so much)

SM BatKid (so much)
Adv Mod TranMinhMan (so much)
Adv Mod NhatToai (so much)
SVip Tom_codon (so much)
Member huyentrangallery (from Samsung, support I8000 for cooking)
Member Lancez (from United States) for everything

Thông tin ROM - ROM Information:
Basic ROM: PDA_I8000NXXJB3_HW_40
Language: Only WWE
Pagepool: 8MB
Version: I8000.25008.JB3.SB10

Hình minh hoạ - Illustrative Images:


Chức năng chính - Main functions:
- Core 5.2.25008 Build 25008.5.3.0
- .NET Compact Framework Version 3.5.9198.00
- Windows Media Player 10.3 Build 25008
- Office Mobile (Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, PowerPoint Mobile, OneNote Mobile)
- MSN Money
- MSN Weather
- FlashLight
- Soft Reset (Written by Sonblack)
- VnKeyb v2.2.0 by ntd (Skin from hanoiwap, included Set Keyb in English - Thanks Super Mod Tmap)
- Opera Mobile 10 beta3 (please do not complain about this)
- Không hiển thị Popup của Mortscrip - No display Mortscript popup (Thanks Admin Kawaguchi)
- Java_JblendPackage_2_1_2_1_20090429_2_1_R6 from Topaz II
- AdobePDF_2_5_1_0_404840_03
- Check New ROM by Admin Kawaguchi (you can check new rom version with link directly from your device in Settings - Personal)
- Các ứng dụng cần có của PPC như: PIM Backup (v2.8), Synchro Time (v0.95), CleanRAM (v1.9.9), Advanced Configuration Tools (v3.3), ClearTemp (v1.3), Total Commander (v2.52 beta 2)... với các version mới nhất
Basic applications for PPC such as
PIM Backup (v2.8), Synchro Time (v0.95), CleanRAM (v1.9.9), Advanced Configuration Tools (v3.3), ClearTemp (v1.3), Total Commander (v2.52 beta 2)... with their newest versions.
- Loại bỏ nhiều ứng dụng không cần thiết mà tôi không thích! :D
Asphalt4 (Game), Crayon Physics (Game), Dice (Game), Face Book, Podcast, QIK, RSS Reader, Cube, MainMenu, OnlineWidget, Samsung Today, Video Editor, Digital Frame, Smart Search, Unit Converter, Video Editor, Application Store, Communities (Share Pix), Connected Home, Midomi, Task Switcher, SPlugin Favorites, Google Maps, Smart Memo, Smart Reader, Smart Sync, Task Switcher, Youtube, My Files, Adobe Reader, Opera Mobile, Java,...
Removed more unnecessary utilities which I don't like! (see above list)

Ai không thích icon nhỏ của Start Menu có thể làm như sau để xoá toàn bộ Registry dưới đây và Reset

Anybody don't like small icons of Start Menu can do as follows in order to delete all following Registry and Reset


Link đã có sẵn - The links are available now
DOWNLOAD I8000 ROM 25008

I8000 ROM JB3 25008 - PART 1

I8000 ROM JB3 25008 - PART 2

I8000 ROM JB3 25008 - PART 3

Password for uncompress: Sonblack

Chúc vui!

Enjoy it!

Chỉnh sửa cuối:
Úi joi! Thanks x 1000 lần bác nhé, cứ thế này máy e hỏng mất!:))\-/
which rom is better? this one or SB09?:) Thank u Sonblack for your work! :)

I changed build version, revised something and added some softs which somebody needs. You can feel it with new build!
Chỉnh sửa cuối:
ok thank u for answer Son :) maybe u can make ultra ultra lite rom ?hmm?:) im asking u because i think your roms are most stable ;D
wow, 2 ROMs in one day. thank u for added softwares \ - / im still testing SB09 now, will let u know.
Anybody here used tool Check New ROM from I8000 (SB09 ROM) for checking new ROM (this ROM)? Please feedback the tool is convenient or not! :D

Có ai dùng tool Check New ROM từ I8000 (ROM SB09) để kiểm tra có version mới (SB10) không? Vui lòng phản hồi là tool có ích hay không! :D
Chỉnh sửa cuối:
just tested it. works fine. very easy to use, click and go. maybe a better skin in the future will be great! thanks to u and kawa
just tested it. works fine. very easy to use, click and go. maybe a better skin in the future will be great! thanks to u and kawa

Kawa is Kawaguchi (His name Le Duc Huy, admin of PDAVIET.net)! OK! We will improve gradually :D Thanks Lancez!

is it ok that i post ur ROM info to Modaco without download links? i'll just link them to PDAviet, need ur permission. maybe a dedicated english section in the future too. :D

is it ok that i post ur ROM info to Modaco without download links? i'll just link them to PDAviet, need ur permission. maybe a dedicated english section in the future too. :D

Lancez, no problem! You're welcome! :D I always post in 2 languages (Vietnamese & English) so don't worry, Lancez!
The camera is error!!No text in it....in..
the keys are blank in the camera....:(
confirmed, camera error.:(

25008 feels faster than 23544

file explorer is different, got more functions, i wonder if its part of new built or u added something..... what did u do with it? =))

ok, i flashed back to 23544 and file explorer is different compare to 25008, so that is built version related.

update 2
marketplace that i installed dose not work, it worked in ur previous ROMs SB05,SB07,SB08. but now i cant download anything. it'll be great if u can keep it in ur next ROM, thanks.

when i open windows folder, it feels much slower than official ROM in both 23544 and 25008, i wonder if its related to pagepool. other than that its fast.
Chỉnh sửa cuối:
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