• Hiện tại trang web đang trong quá hình chuyển đổi và tái cấu trúc lại chuyên mục nên có thể một vài chức năng chưa hoàn thiện, một số bài viết và chuyên mục sẽ thay đổi. Nếu sự thay đổi này làm bạn phiền lòng, mong bạn thông cảm. Chúng tôi luôn hoan nghênh mọi ý kiến đóng góp để chúng tôi hoàn thiện và phát triển. Cảm ơn

Appulo.us - App Store Clone!


New Member
Appulo.us - App Store Clone!

Originally Posted by Kyek
For those who aren't familiar with Appulo.us or the project codenamed 'AppDB', it's been my baby for the past.. about a month now. It's a next-generation system that allows all of us to share our applications on a website much like our Releases section here, only it's searchable, automated, has all the iTunes info, and .. well, I'll let you check it out

Originally Posted by Kyek
Appulo.us is on shared hosting, which often results in E-mail that it sends being filtered as spam. If you don't have the verification E-mail after 10 minutes, be sure to check the spam folder for your E-mail account. Gmail is a big culprit here.
Originally Posted by Kyek
The goal of this whole project is to give ALL iPhone forums a central place to post their links, where the crackers and packagers and everyone involved can get credit for what they've done. That way the entire scene can get the newest apps as they come out, instead of having to check 8 places to make sure you have everything. Hopefully we reach that goal
Originally Posted by Kyek
Ladies and gentlemen, I think I speak for all of us when I say, woot.

Ok, maybe it's just me. But I don't care. I'm friggin thrilled. Appulous now has RSS feeds!

There's one default feed that will give you all the newest apps and updates verbatim -- this one your browser can recognize automatically. Go there with Safari or Firefox (and I assume IE but I'm not sure how it does it) and a little 'RSS' icon will appear in your address bar for fast and easy clicking.

But the real power of the new system comes from the custom feeds. Let's say, for example, that you're a big reader, and you want to be updated when a new book comes out for the iPhone. On the main Appulous page, pick the 'Books' category, hit the button, and all the books will come up. Now hit "RSS for this listing".

Bam. You now have an RSS feed for JUST books. Now let's say you're not really interested in ALL books -- you're mostly just interested in books by Charles Dickens. And you don't care if any books are updated -- you just want to know about new books.

Head back to the app listing, sort by 'New Apps' (not updates) and type 'dickens' into the search field. Hit the button, get the RSS. It's that easy.

OMG Kyek that's so cool is there more?!?
HELLS YES. CHECK THIS OUT. If you followed along with that last part, the link to the RSS feed looks like this:

Now you can probably figure out what some of the elements in that URL do and play with it yourself, but I want to draw your attention to that last part, where it says feed-html.xml. Let's change that 'html' to 'bbcode' ...


Now we're getting the RSS feed in BBCODE format -- meaning it can be integrated into any forum, auto-posting the RSS results to a forum section, and not losing any of the formatting! You can put 'plain' there too to get results with no formatting, but that's just no fun ;-)

...I'm a little bit too excited about RSS. It's 5am. Gimmie a break.

Anyway, enjoy
Chỉnh sửa cuối:
Bác này bên địch hay bên ta đây ? vừa vô topic kia cảnh cáo em xong !!! các anh xem a này đang ở đâu hộ em với :p
Bài viết đầu của chủ topic có quảng cáo đến RSS, nhưng trước nhất là cảnh báo với các bạn khi dùng ứng dụng, hãy tự mình tải về và sử dụng với mục đích cá nhân, không nên tuyên truyền ra bằng diễn đàn vì tất cả những mục này đều đã bị theo dõi, chỉ có sử dụng mục đích cá nhân thì có thể tránh khỏi các ràng buộc.
Đây cũng là tác giả làm ra cách cho ứng dụng chạy được trên tất cả các máy mà không bị tốn tiền :D bà con nên thanks anh ta đấy nhé.
You can delete this if you want. I just want to share free iphone apps.
Bạn có thể xóa điều này nếu Bạn Muốn. Tôi chỉ muốn chia sẻ iphone apps tự do
:D Nói túm lại ko có chuyện gì xảy ra cả ! bác ấy chỉ muốn chúng ta chia sẽ app tự do !=))
Appulo.us - App Store Clone!

...I'm a little bit too excited about RSS. It's 5am. Gimmie a break.

Anyway, enjoy
We'll make all apps from this site to be mark by http://appulo.us if any app had get at that site, sorry for our mistakes. And our forum is not a clone of Appulo, just want to share to everyone who use iPhone may be use all of your free apps as they want to, but from now on, we'll check all and clear if available.
Because has lots of free apps. Did you see?
We'll show to everyone who use iPhone to get any app from your site, we promise :D
Sorry for my bad Eng.
Sorry for my bad vietnamese.

I use online translator.
Tôi sử dụng người dịch trực tuyến
Chỉnh sửa cuối:
Chúc các bác ngũ ngon ! em phê với bác bugmenotaasdf này rồi ! :))
Wish the uncles Squad Tasty! initial younger brother be with this the uncle bugmenotaasdf already!:))