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T.A.N.K. Arena Battle
Category: Games
Price: $0.99
Released: May 10, 2009
Size: 5.5 MB
Seller: Graphics Software Labs
Added to Appulo.us: May 11, 2009
Latest version: 1.0


Link đây -=> http://www.2shared.com/file/5730659/23536abb/download_here.html (click here nằm ở cuối trang)
Đây nữa : http://ipauploader.com/download/971e848b49dc9daf2b4637c8f4431c55/TANK+Arena+Battle-1.0.ipa
T.A.N.K. Arena Battle 1.0 iPhone iPod Touch


Just stumbled upon T.A.N.K. Arena Battle, produced by “G.A.M.E.S” , a beautiful designed 3D action tank game that caught our eyes with its impressive graphics and 3D animation and overall fun game play.T.A.N.K. Arena Battle reminded us of a 3D version of iCombat but with less features and fewer levels. The game has lots of potential but for now it feels a bit unfinished.

You command a tank through 4 different arenas that are basically a small room split into two sides with small variations in design and obstacles, which is one shortcoming of T.A.N.K. The 3D environment is smoothly designed and feels well put together. Unfortunately T.A.N.K can only be played in portrait mode, it doesn’t really effect the the game play but a landscape mode would free up more of the screen and would look even better.
The weapons that are available work on the same principle they all bounce off walls so you have to aim carefully to take out your opponent. The difference is in firing rate and destructive power, some will fire rapidly and will require multiple hits to destroy a target and some will fire at a slower rate but will almost one hit kill the enemy tank.