• Hiện tại trang web đang trong quá hình chuyển đổi và tái cấu trúc lại chuyên mục nên có thể một vài chức năng chưa hoàn thiện, một số bài viết và chuyên mục sẽ thay đổi. Nếu sự thay đổi này làm bạn phiền lòng, mong bạn thông cảm. Chúng tôi luôn hoan nghênh mọi ý kiến đóng góp để chúng tôi hoàn thiện và phát triển. Cảm ơn


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Smartphoneware.Best.Profiles.v2.01.S60v5.SymbianOS 9.x-HSpda

PM quen thuộc bản cập nhật.

Christmas Counter {Count the days to The Great Christmas}

PM đếm ngược thời gian đến ngày Giáng Sinh

Bambuser S60V5, Signed


Ứng dụng trực tuyến cho phép bạn chia sẻ video trên mạng,ứng dụng hỗ trợ 3G vá Wifi
Bambuser is an application/service that enables the user to stream live video from your mobile phone using 3G or WiFi.
Bambuser, the simplest way to share your experiences and interact with your viewers in real-time.
SymbianGuru CallGuard v1.0 S60v5


CallGuard application allows you to manage and to control your incoming calls. The application has both black list functionality for rejecting calls, and whitelist functionality to accept-only list of numbers. Call Guard mutes, rejects your incoming calls and sends the SMS message to the contact number, who was calling you. Now there is no need to mute the phone, if you have a meeting and are waiting for the important call. You need to create the white list and all the calls except the listed one will be muted or rejected according to your settings.

CallGuard in use:
Creating of the phone Blacklists and Whitelists
You should create the lists of phone numbers that shouldn’t be accepted. They can be of two types: Black Lists and White Lists. The lists will be activated according to your personal schedule.
The number of lists is unlimited, but only one list can be activated at the time.
Note! If you make all the present list inactive, the software will automatically activate the last one, which was activated with the help of Schedule till up to now.
Creating a schedule
While you are creating the schedule, you should select the condition of your schedule – how often this schedule should be activated:
1. Once – the chosen list will be activated one time;
2. Daily or weekdays – you should define the Weekdays when the list will be activated;
3. Monthly – you will need to enter the Day of month when the list will be activated.
Languages available:
English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian.

Key features:

* The two types of lists can be created: BlackLists and WhiteLists;
* The number of lists is unlimited;
* There are a different types of the rejection actions;
* Action ‘Busy’ can be defined when one of the numbers from list is calling;
* Mute ringing is available;
* The software can reject the incoming calls and send the SMS message to the contact number;
* The Lists are activated according to your own schedule;
* The software is fully compatible with Series 60.3/60.5. .
Edumid's FunSMS v2.1 {Takes Text Messaging To A Whole New Level With 3D Smileys}

PM hỗ trợ tin nhắn mới

Network Switcher v1.02 S60v3/v5 - 3G / GSM / UMTS English

PM chuyển đổi nhanh mạng 3G

Opera Mobile v10.00.353 Beta 2u S60v5 {19/12/2009}

We have now released an updated beta 2 release for S60 with full native input support (also known as FEP support).
This means that when typing in Opera Mobile 10, you can use any input mode that is supported on your phone, in the same way as when e.g. typing text messages.

Get the Opera Mobile 10 beta 2 update from www.opera.com/mobile/download , or go to http://m.opera.com/next/ with your mobile phone. As before, remember to choose the APAC version if you want support for Asian characters.

Supporting different input types and methods is a complex matter, so we'd appreciate your feedback to improve this further for the next release. Please post all input-related feedback in this thread!
And thanks again for all your valuable input so far :smile:

Known issues:

* Not all input modes have a visual indicator.
* For some devices with non-latin input mode, you need to manually set the input language to English to input a web address in the address bar.
* On touch devices, the enter key does not work as an action key. For cases where an action is required (e.g. when adding a bookmark folder), we recommend using the Opera keyboard (available from advanced settings).
* Cut in context menu does not work on keypad devices.
* Some issues when using predictive input in the url field.

Download Opera Mobile 10 Beta 2u English Version

Download Opera Mobile 10 Beta 2u APAC Version
FlyingBird Software FlyingVoiceNotes v1.0.8 S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Signed Regged

PM quen thuộc bản cập nhật.

Lonely Cat Games Profimail v3.24 S60v3-S60v5 SymbianOS9.x

PM hỗ trợ email quen thuộc bản cập nhật.

Friends Birthdays v1.00 S60v5 SymbianOS9.x Signed

PM ghi chú ngày sinh nhật của bạn bè

Avis Silent Camera v1.0.5 S60v3 S60v5 Unsinged

PM tắt tiếng camera bản cập nhật.

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