Please Don't Post your IMEI in Public places like Internet and Forums like ours , Why is That ? Here is the Reason Guys
IMEI refers to the International Mobile Equipment Identifier, a unique 15 digit code programmed into each mobile phone during production. The number holds information regarding manufacturer, model type and the approval body for the handset. The identification, bound into the IMEI when combined with the use of blacklisting and a connection the CEIR (Central Equipment Identity Register, is one route to preventing stolen devices being used on authorized networks. However, if the integrity of the code relating to the communication of the IMEI with the network is not guaranteed, the device is open to attack. This is the case with many current handsets, allowing impersonation of the IMEI and again rendering this security feature ineffective and redundant.
The combination of persistent hacking against the IMEI, the prevalence of software applications developed for reprogramming mobile phones and weak or nonexistent security from some manufacturers has made re-programming a simple task. This has fueled street crime in many European countries where subsidies are traditionally higher. Accounting for
28% of all reported street robberies in the UK (Home Office report). Overcoming the security around the IMEI on stolen handsets can result in reactivation of supposedly barred handsets