đã có fimware mới cho p990i
chào các pác, em vừa nhận được tin là p990i đã có fimware mới P990i R6E28. nhiều cái hay lắm.

PDA software version:
CXC 162036 R6E28
Phone software version:
CXC 162037 R9GA001
Bluetooth software version:
CXC 162058 R5A01
CDA version:
CDA 162007/1 R6E28
1 August 2007 , and available in version cda 1 / 2 . World generic one.
change :
Start up ram was 17mb(and around).
BB connect (3.55) is functional for BIS
Space Bar bug is fixed.
Fring is functional as is tomtom
Autofocus is fixed
Auto capitalisation bug fixed (delay in capitalising)
phone is faster while typing with qwerty and keypad, as well as faster when erasing text.
Video rec seems slightly better
Camera opens faster.
install fring & profimail long text bug is fixed