• Hiện tại trang web đang trong quá hình chuyển đổi và tái cấu trúc lại chuyên mục nên có thể một vài chức năng chưa hoàn thiện, một số bài viết và chuyên mục sẽ thay đổi. Nếu sự thay đổi này làm bạn phiền lòng, mong bạn thông cảm. Chúng tôi luôn hoan nghênh mọi ý kiến đóng góp để chúng tôi hoàn thiện và phát triển. Cảm ơn

Forum for english speaking people

As other has said, please go to Setting=>Connectivity=>Beam=>Click on "Receiving all..." so ensure the BT is working properly.
I have had experiences with pda viets and xplodes latest rom...
At the moment I am using Xplode's.

1. the wlanmgr icon on tray doesnt work.
2. seems slightly faster than pdaviets
3. flight mode works flawlessly

PdaViets - hoangdat's:
1. flightmode doesnt work
2. More eyecandy - I love the design and creativity.
3. Beam on off on comm mgr doesnt work

1. Both are really good roms from user ends POV
2. I like xplodes cleaner rom - its just because i like to install my only needed s/ware

I have only installed xplode's 2 days ago, so i will update again next time :)
Tried to download Xplode's ROM but couldn't get it from RapidShare or ShareSpace. Can anyone upload it somewhere else? I wanna try it.
oh, this is imazing!
i think, just only PDA-Viet used English. But i think this room is not very good beacause i can not read and understand clearly if am a American. So we should change the Language on the Tab in this room, for example TRẢ LỜI what does it mean? or Gửi Trả Lời Nhanh, Khung đầy đủ....
Anyway this is a better PDA's Forum in Viet Nam.