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Lemmings Tribes S60 by GluMobile - Game ko thể bỏ qua


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Lemmings Tribes S60 by GluMobile - Game ko thể ko chơi



*Three tribes with unique skills available beyond the classic Lemming skills
*Similar game play to Lemmings where each level has a set number of Lemmings (rather than carrying over Lemmings to the next level)
*The player only has to play a few tutorial levels for the classic tribe before both the space and medieval tribes are unlocked
*The difficulty level of each tribe range from easy to hard
*Levels are based on the layouts from Lemmings 2: The Tribes, but modified for the aspect ratio of mobile phones
*Levels can have more than one entrance and exit

..:: N6600 DOWNLOAD ::..
..:: N70 DOWNLOAD ::..

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