Tôi có con HTC TP2 muốn chạy hardspl. Tôi dùng bản Rhodium-HardSPL_V2_00R3.exe nếu chọn option Flash Hard-SPL thì bị thông báo lỗi như sau
Fatal Error
Please make sure the device is properly synced; Please retry after syncing the device (via Activesync or Windows Mobile Device Center)
Sau khi ok thì nó đưa ra thông báo sau
If you could not get the device properly synced; then try installing this CAB on your phone: http://hpcmonex.net/roms/enablerapinew.cab and retry in Automatic flash mode
Còn nếu chạy option Manual Flash thì chạy đến bước
The update utility cannot get responding from your PDA Phone. Please check that your USB cradle/cable is connected property between the PC and your PDA Phone
Máy tôi cài WinXP và ActiveSyns4.5
Fatal Error
Please make sure the device is properly synced; Please retry after syncing the device (via Activesync or Windows Mobile Device Center)
Sau khi ok thì nó đưa ra thông báo sau
If you could not get the device properly synced; then try installing this CAB on your phone: http://hpcmonex.net/roms/enablerapinew.cab and retry in Automatic flash mode
Còn nếu chạy option Manual Flash thì chạy đến bước
The update utility cannot get responding from your PDA Phone. Please check that your USB cradle/cable is connected property between the PC and your PDA Phone
Máy tôi cài WinXP và ActiveSyns4.5