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Memory stick v1.2 - Biến iPod Touch & iPhone thành thiết bị lưu trữ


New Member

You no longer need to carry around a USB memory stick to copy and share files from one computer to another. Instead, turn your iPhone or iPod Touch into a memory stick.

Memory Stick allows you to easily transfer files to and from your iPhone or iPod Touch over your Wi-Fi connection by accessing it as if it were a drive, from within Windows Explorer or Finder.

If you prefer, you can also upload and download files from your web browser.

What is more, once the files are on your iPhone or iPod Touch, you can view them, making your device a portable file viewer.

Memory Stick can view the following file types:

• Microsoft Word (.doc)
• Microsoft Excel (.xls, .csv)
• Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt)
• PDF files (.pdf)
• Web pages (*.htm, *.html, *.mht)
• Text files (.txt, *.cpp, *.c, *.m, *.h)
• Graphic files (.bmp, .gif, .png, jpg etc)

New in this version New Features
• Available disk space is now shown in the toolbar.
• A progress indicator now shows the progress of a copy to Memory Stick.
• The file sharing state is now remembered when Memory Stick closes.
• WebDAV authentication is now implemented.
• Bitmap (BMP) files can now be viewed.

Bug Fixes
• Internet Explorer now works properly when file/folder names have spaces in.
• Text files with Unicode and non-ASCII characters in can now be viewed properly.
• Windows XP no longer reports folder creation failure when it succeeds.
• WebDAV connections are now closed properly when requested by the client.
• Memory Stick no longer crashes when copying files larger than 200MB.
Languages English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish
Requirements Compatible with iPhone and iPod touch
Requires iPhone 2.0 Software Update

Link download :

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