The 1. Registry: at HKCU\System\State\PHONE part IMSI the first six tickets of an entry the MCC/MNC. Write it somewhere.
The 2. Write it in on the telephone keyboard:
The 3. MCC/MNC-nek grant his value to the first six tickets of IMSI written down first
The 4. NCK-nak it 12345678 numbers, then OK.
The 5. If now \"successfull\", you won then, if not then back into the 3. dot and test it only with the first five tickets.
The 6. If now successfull, this is unfortunately then.
If on the other hand yes, then already the case winning, it is necessary to carry it through only the rest of the pair step:
The 7. Write it in on the telephone keyboard: *#7465625#. For the telephone lockolt has to show status.
The 8. Knock this in now: #7465625*638*#, and grant it again it 12345678, then OK.
The 9. The successfull comes message, may be smileing.(again you may check it with the 7 step. Already for all this disableden
has to be.)
If back you want it to lock, make it 1-until 4 the steps !
This works perfectly