• Hiện tại trang web đang trong quá hình chuyển đổi và tái cấu trúc lại chuyên mục nên có thể một vài chức năng chưa hoàn thiện, một số bài viết và chuyên mục sẽ thay đổi. Nếu sự thay đổi này làm bạn phiền lòng, mong bạn thông cảm. Chúng tôi luôn hoan nghênh mọi ý kiến đóng góp để chúng tôi hoàn thiện và phát triển. Cảm ơn


Chear!I Think this Thread can change name: Learning English. I Want to learn English more,because I'm not good at English! Happy New Year everybody! Chear! :D

Hihi. So am I. But i think people say: Cheer, not Chear :D
For all of Spamer here:

If you spam by posting here, you could receive a infraction and warning. 15 Infraction Points -> You will be banned for 1 day. :))
Could we try to practice using proper English more and more in several threads so anyone would understand what happening and never look us down?

For God shake!
this thread is "speaking Eng here", it doesnt mean that asking what u wonder about PDA :D.... so, if can, I think this thread for everyone to speak proper Eng( chat in English) :D .

and.... if you can, please try to use the correct Eng gramma.. :D . it's useful for you, and for me( :D)
Oh this topic is very interesting 4 training skill about speak and write :X So i often will go to here 4 training my skills. If this sentence have mistake, pls edit its 4 me :X
Hihi so many mistake but i still want to write more for traning :D Thx... !!!
just boring, noone to chat right now :(
Today, i was designed banner for my forum , but i cant contine , because ... blah blah ^^ .I cant type English . I am chicken boy .