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WM AlienPlanet 6.5 Manila 2D Build 23001

This is a 6.5 build with a 6.1 feel it's fast stable and benefits from 6.5 better Memory management
Removed Honeycomb Start Menu and replaced it with QuickMenu this saved 2mb Ram
Removed Titanium & Bronze
Free Storage Space 43mb G4
Free Ram Around 26mb with out Manila 2D
HTC Opal Canvas Dialer 3.5.32437
HTC EzInput Keyboard Suite 1.5 Language Packs Here:http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=426281
HTC Calculator Language Packs Here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=485349
HTC MP3 Trimmer v1.2 (Rhodium Port)
HTC Comm Manager v2.7.5.0
Solitaire Graphics updated
Mobile Office 2007
Mobile Word
Mobile Excel
Mobile Power Point
WinRar 3.80
WM Storage 1.8 by Igor v Bozhko
MoDaCo NoData 2.0
PHM Reg Edit 7.0 by Philippe Majerus
Quick Menu 2.8 (Toggle WiFi)
Fexploreext 2.05
ClearTemp 1.0.1 by Vicott Wong
PimBack-up by FdcSoft
Synchro Time 0.95 by Dennis Grachov
ExtRom Utility 1.0
Talking Sound Events
Netframework 3.5
HTC Camera Album
HTC Audio Manager
Task Manager 3.1 by FdcSoft
Password Safe 1.0 by Thomas Gerber
Pocket Downloader .2.2
Advanced Config 3.3 by Julien Schapman
Alien Planet.tsk And 1D blackBars
HTC Boot Launcher (Now HTC EzInput Keyboard default SIP even after reset)
SyncManager 0.3 (Take control of your ActiveSync) (set to allow USB charging without syncing and wifi while on USB)
(easy to change the settings to what you want just edit the settings.txt file in program files\w@p\SyncManager )
Manila 2D AlienPlanet Skin by Me
Opal Canvas Dialler skin (Poorly Duck KeyPad Overlays) All others Me
Big Thanks to LAMSON
Thanks to utak3 and twopumpchump for the QuickMenu instead of honeycomb solution b-)
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Manilla 2D Customizer http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=427392
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