Ae nào trong forum có kinh nghiệm cài NativeSD và DirectSD thì dành chút thời gian làm một bài hướng dẫn chi tiết cách cài NativeSD và DirectSD đi. Ae có thể làm bài hướng dẫn với cấu trúc như sao:
1. Cách dùng HD2 Toolkit (đặc biệt chú ý ở chổ Task29 và cài Recovery)
2. Cách chia thẻ nhớ (nên hướng dẫn chia thẻ bằng 4EXT Recovery)
3. Cài ROM NativeSD (DirectSD)
4. Tận hưởng
Mình hi vọng rằng 1 member tốt bụng nào đó dành 1 chút thời gian làm 1 bài hướng dẫn cực chi tiết để tất cả new member có thể thực hiện được!!
Chính xác đó! Chỉ cần một bài chi tiết và hướng dẫn cụ thể nhưng mem mới gia nhập chỉ cần vào đó đọc và làm sẽ không phải trả lời nhiều! Cách làm đó sẽ khoa học hơn! Mình mới bán con máy HD2 roài

. Nên xin phép trích nguyên bản tiếng Anh mình dùng theo cách này do hỏi ở đây anh em đều đã quá level nên ngán những câu trả lời đơn giản. Dưới đây là 3 kiểu cài NAND, DataOnEXT và NaviteSD, Bạn thịnh có thể bổ sung kiểu cài DirectSD chi tiết cho anh em.
Before starting, first It is recommended to format sdcard on PC using software SD formatter
Just a brief understanding. During installation of rom has 3 options for setup. 1. NAND(Full, Custom ) 2. DataOnExt 3. NativeSD
In brief
1. NAND. Installing everything(System and data) on phone(Nand). Further you will have option full install or custom install
2. DataOnEXT. Installing all system files on phone(NAND) and Installing all data files on sdcard(EXT4 partition)
3. NativeSD. Installing everything(System and Data) on sdcard (EXT4)
Lets start with DataOnExt
I have attached a file for 4ext recovery from "Native sd" thread which makes partitioning of sdcard with ext4 very simpler.
Installing recovery
1. Download and extract the attached file in folder example lets call this folder "D:\4ext".
2. Boot in MAGLDR (By holding power off key during start)
3. Choose "USB flasher" Connect your Hd2 to computer using usb cable.
4. Run the DAF.exe from the folder that you have downloaded/extracted example "D:\4ext" click next > next> "(it will show error "readfile missing" no problem. just continue)
This will install 4ext recovery and reboot the phone
Partitioning SD card with ext4
5. Boot into 4ext recovery from MAGLDR (by choosing ADrecovery) you will see menu from 4ext which is quite similar to CWM recovery.
6. Go to "advance" > "partition SD card" > "Remove all partition and start from scratch"
Select the size of for 1st partition (Choose greater than 1024MB) (This will be the size of data partition)
Select the size of for 2nd partition (Choose "Skip")
Select the size of for swap partition (Choose "Skip") then it will start formating and ask you what format do you want to format sdext.
Choose for format "EXT4" and Let it complete formating
Installing ROM
7. Now copy tytungs ROM zipfile into the sdcard (You can do this from the recovery itseft by choosing "toggle usb storage" in the main menu and connecting hd2 to pc using a cable. after finish copying the file safely remove device from PC and slect unmount from HD2 )
8. In recovery main menu choose "install from sdcard"
9. Choose "NAND with DataOnEXT" and then choose full Install or custom.choose whatever you wish. continue with setup. ROM will install
10. Reboot and enjoy.
Note 1 Default system partition size selected for DATAonEXT is 390M(Why 390MB? since data is mounted on sdcard, why not use whole Nand as system).
if you want to adjust, change the value in flash.cfg in the 4ext folder before proceeding step 2
Note 2 the above setup is for DATAonEXT. If you decide to install NAND minimum install change to "system ya 230M" in flash.cfg and then continue step 2, 3, 4, 7, 8. (Skip step 5, 6) Step 9 choose NAND and custom
Note 3 . If you decide to install NAND full install change to "system ya 300M" in flash.cfg and then continue step 2, 3, 4, 7, 8. (Skip step 5, 6) Step 9 Choose NAND and full
Note 4 . If you decide to install NativeSD do steps 1 to 8. step 9 choose NativeSD. Install ROM. after installation reboot to MAGLDR.
In the main menu of MAGLDR choose > 1. bootsettings > 3. AD SD dir > select folder "NativeSD" (browse using Volume keys)
Go back to main menu
choose > 1. bootsettings > 1. Boot Source > 1. Android from SD
1. First boot of JellyBean May take more than 10 mins. After setting up google acoount on first boot, please give 2 mins for the phone to settle down.
2. For smoother experience go to "Settings" > "Developer option" > tick "Force GPU rendering".
3. If you have lag/slow perfomance issues (Which is usually due to slow sdcard) you can try app ROM tool box. read more
Recovery info
Some of you have ask me benifit of 4ext against CWM recovery.
4ext has all the features that CWM has and additional features. Explained below are features of 4ext which are not present in CWM
1. Partitioning of SDCARD to EXT4 partition is easier/hassle free. It chooses the best cluster size for ext4 and fat32 partition and are aligned properly.
2. fat32 and ext4 partition info is displayed on dashboard.
3. error checking features for partition ext4 and fat32 . (really helps when u have errors for not unmounting card and physically turning off power while writing on card. for example: sometimes by not using "safely remove hardware" in windows and just pluggin out sdcard will give you errors. Then everytime you use your sdcard in Windows PC it will give a message saying you need to scan. But when you scan, chances are that it will change you cluster size. So 4ext avoids that )
4. Backup/Restore(ext4partitions) feature doesn't work well with CWM recovery when using ext4 partition. For example. In CWM recoveries, When you format all data partitions in CWM, it will format your NANDdata, Nandcache, sdext and .androidsecure folder. But doing this formats sdext to ext3 partition back again. So you have to manually format sdext to ext4 partition in PC before restore. In 4ext recovery you don't have this problem as it fully supports ext4 partitions formatting.
Cannot use "ROM manager" app from google play as it supports CWM recovery.
(4ext does have an app in googleplay called "4ext recovery control" but 4ext recovery was not developed for HD2, but ported by Xylograph, so don't know if the app will work/support on hd2)
(If you have decided not flash 4ext then and stick with CWM, Never use CWM 3.x.x.x in JellyBean(Causes bootloops). Use CWM 5.x.x.x)