How to creat EXT and Convert to EXT4:
+ Creat 1024 mb EXT(3) + 64 mb swap by CWM: BACKUP YOUR SDCARD FIRST !
- advanced >> Partition SD Card >> 1024M (128 ~ 2048) >> 64M
+ Convert to EXT4 (Thank Coolexe for this script):
- Download script: LINK
- Copy to SDCARD, Flash zip script
After 2 steps you can flash the roms (EU versions), now Android very strong !
Xin loi vi go bang DT nen kg dau va rat kho khan. Anh em nao dich lai roi test, neu thanh cong, su dung de thi cho len bai 1 cho anh em dung. minh da lam thanh cong
bác đã up lên EXT4 thấy có gì ưu diểm hơn EXT3 ko vậy?